Welcome to


We are dedicated to the socio-economic empowerment of ​families of African heritage in the Greater Sudbury Area. ​We are building stronger families and fostering a vibrant ​society where everyone can thrive

Let’s work together to build a brighter future for your ​family and our community

Do you want to thrive in your parenting journey?

Get access to our FREE Gentle Parenting guide to learn how to get ​your kids to listen without yelling, spanking or threatening them


Join Our Community

We provide culturally relevant, holistic support to families of African heritage in the Greater Sudbury Area, ​to foster a sense of belonging, build resilience, and promote socio-economic empowerment.

Happy African American Family


Empowering our children with cultural ​pride, confidence, and creativity. ​Through engaging programs, we ​nurture their potential and help them ​grow into leaders of tomorrow

Teens outdoors


Equipping our youth with life skills, ​leadership training, and a sense of ​identity. We prepare them to navigate ​life’s challenges and succeed with ​confidence and purpose

Portrait of a Happy Family


Supporting parents with the tools and ​resources they need to raise resilient, ​responsible, and culturally rooted ​children

Mature African American Couple

THRIVING seniors

Promoting social connections for ​seniors, honoring our elders by ​creating spaces for them to share ​their wisdom, stories, and cultural ​treasures with the next generation

Family Having Fun Shopping

THRIVING families

Empowering families of African ​heritage with the support, resources, ​and connections needed to flourish. ​Strong families are the foundation of ​thriving communities

Rainbow Nation hands clasped in unity against South African flag

THRIVING communities

Building connected, supportive ​communities through collaboration ​and shared experiences. Together, we ​celebrate our heritage and create a ​vibrant future for all

Are you tired of feeling disconnected ​from your cultural roots and ​struggling to find resources that ​understand your unique experiences ​as a family of African heritage?

At Thriving African Families, we recognize these challenges and are here ​to provide the support, resources, and community connections you need ​to overcome them.

We understand the importance of preserving our cultural identity while ​navigating life in a new environment, and we're committed to ​empowering your family to thrive in every way.


Be the to first to learn about our upcoming programs and events, opportunities to ​get involved and how we’re making a difference

Traditional African Fashion Attire

Does this sound ​familiar to you?

Have you ever felt the pain of being a newcomer, ​the weight of microaggressions, the struggles of ​balancing family life in a different context and the ​isolation of lacking a social network?

No matter what you’re facing, we’re committed ​to helping your family not just survive, but thrive.


Mighty Oaks programs have turned my ​family around. The workshops have ​instilled strong values in my children, and ​they now have a deeper sense of purpose ​and faith”


The parenting workshop I attended at TAF has ​really helped me become a better parent. ​There is more peace and calm in my home. ​My family is more connected, no more yelling, ​my kids love it and I love it too!


I was deeply concerned about the bullying my son ​was experiencing at school. The anti-bullying ​advocacy program at TAF was exactly what we ​needed. I was counselled on how to support my son ​effectively, and he’s now thriving both academically ​and socially.

Empowerment Through

Cultural Connection

Do you find it challenging to navigate a ​community where your culture, background and ​context aren’t fully understood?

We believe that every individual and family has ​the potential to thrive when they are supported ​in a way that honors their cultural identity and ​addresses their unique challenges.

Stay Connected with us!

Follow us on social media to keep up with the latest news, ​events, and resources from Thriving African Families.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for inspiring ​stories, helpful parenting tips, and updates on our programs


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Happy African American Family
A Brown African Drum
Portrait of a Happy Family
african ndebele candle

We are dedicated to providing holistic support that addresses ​cultural, social, and economic challenges of every family member.

We are here to support you in navigating the complexities of this ​new environment, overcoming systemic barriers, and finding a ​sense of belonging and empowerment.


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